
Capital Research Advisors, LLC has a strong commitment in the area of philanthropy. Our commitments in this area cover several different aspects of philanthropy.

The first and usually the one which most often comes to mind is giving of funds to organizations and to certain efforts of organizations to help them advance their mission and aid them in fulfilling their objectives. Much of this comes from personal commitments the individuals have to various walks of life and what individuals within CRA may see as some of the specific needs within societies. We do use the word society in the plural since some of our giving is near to us geographically it also extends well beyond the borders of the cities where we live, the states we reside in and the country we are residents of.

Another area where CRA has a strong commitment to philanthropy is in the area of being willing to serve within organizations in terms of the structural support for those entities. We often find our role in the active participation of a committee or on the board of various organizations to help provide inputs, serve the organization better than we could from the outside and help the organization change and morph into a new role or move to a new stage in it’s development. This serving role is one in which we find every person in leadership within CRA currently and proactively a part of existing philanthropic organizations here in 2015.

At times the staff of CRA has also taken the initiative to help start, fund the development of and launch a non profit for the purpose of creating a serving entity. Other times we have stepped in to help grow a new effort within an existing organization in an effort to help them increase the impact of what they are concerned with.

There are other ways in which CRA also serves in the philanthropic community and we always welcome questions, inputs and interests you might have of us about our involvements.

Feel free to contact us.